

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club starts at 8:00am and finishes at 8.45am, when the children are walked down to their classes. 

In the morning, enter through the front door to the Breakfast club room. Payment is £2.50 per pupil, per day (which covers both food and child-care) and must be made in advance via ParentPay. We are strictly limited to 23 places due to staffing ratios so please book early.

Bookings are available every Monday at 10am for sessions the following week. 

We offer cereals, bagels, porridge, fruit and milk. 


We offer a wide range after-school clubs.

Monday Gymnastics club bookings should be made via the POSH website:

Friday Dancewaves are booked via Parentpay.

All other Teacher led clubs via the Forms link sent to all parents. 

We update the website to indicate when clubs are full. 

Day Contact Name Club Name Year Group Times Location
Mon POSH Foundation Gymnastics (£3.50 per session) All 3.15 - 4.15pm Hall
Mon Miss Lemon TTRockstars & Maths Tutor Y3,4,5 & 6 3:20-4:15pm Y3 Classroom
Tue YDP Multi sports YR, 1 & 2 3.15 - 4.15pm Hall
Tues Mrs Tasker & Miss Brass Forest Schools Y6 3:20-4:15pm Forest Area
Thurs Miss Henriques & POSH Foundation Girls Football (Free) Y5 & 6 3.20 - 4.15pm Field
Thurs Miss Steels Netball (Free) Y1 & 2 3.20 - 4.15pm Playground
Fri Chloe Crane Dancewaves Street Dance £2 per session All 3.20 - 4.15pm Hall
Fri POSH Foundation Boys Football (Free) Y5 & 6 3:20-4:15pm Field

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