Year 1 - Potter Class

Year 1 - Potter Class

PE Day: Tuesday and Thursday

Curriculum Information:

Class Teachers:  Mrs Elahi

Autumn Term:

In this term we will be learning about:

The Human Body (Autumn 1) and Animals and their Needs (Autumn 2) in Science.

Spatial Sense in Geography (Autumn 1) and Discovering History in History (Autumn 2).

Our Art in Autumn term will look at Colour (Autumn 1) and Line (Autumn 2).

Spring Term:

In this term we will be learning about:

The Seasons and the Weather (Spring 1) and Taking Care of the Earth (Spring 2) in Science.

The UK in Geography (Spring 1) and Kings, Queens and Leaders in History (Spring 2).

In Art we will learn about Architecture (Spring 1) and Style in Art/Narrative Art (Spring 2).

Summer Term:

In this term we will be learning about:

Plants (Summer 1) and Material and Magnets (Summer 2) in Science.

The Seven Continents in Geography (Summer 1) and Parliament and Prime Ministers in History (Summer 2).

Our Art in Summer term will be Paintings of Children (Summer 1) and Sculpture (Summer 2).

Important Information

PE: PE day is every Tuesday.

PE kits must be brought in on a Monday and kept in school all week.

PE kits must consist of either a black school PE top, or a plain black t-shirt with black shorts. Suitable footwear must be worn. Children may wear a plain black tracksuit for outdoor PE.

*Please ensure that all items of clothing (school uniform, PE Kit and coats) are clearly named. Please ensure all earrings/jewelry are removed.

Reading: Reading books will be changed every Friday.

Our school expectation is that reading books are read a minimum of three times a week. Please ensure that you record in the reading log each time you listen to your child read at home.

Your child will also bring home a book for pleasure. This is a book you can share with your child to help promote a love of reading. This can be changed as often as your child wishes.


This will continue to be used as a primary means of communication. This needs to be checked on a daily basis to ensure you are up to date with key information. This is also your route for sending any messages directly to the class teacher. Evidence of learning will continue to be posted, along with suggestions of ways you could continue to support your child at home. 

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