Foundation Stage - London Class

Foundation Stage - London Class

PE Day: Wednesday and Thursday

Class Teachers:  Miss Veni & Miss Brass

Teaching assistants: Miss Jones & Mrs Moreman

Important Information

We advise that children bring in a set of spare clothes at the beginning of the year that is kept at school.

PE kits must consist of either a black school PE top, or a plain black t-shirt with black shorts. Suitable footwear must be worn. Children may wear a plain black tracksuit for outdoor PE. 

*Please ensure that all items of clothing (school uniform, PE Kit and coats) are clearly named.

Reading: From the very start of the year, each child will be sent home with a book for pleasure. This will be a book that you can read with your child. Once we reach Unit 4 of Sounds Write, and the children are beginning to blend to read, they will also be sent home with a reading book that they can read to you. 

We expect that all children read at home regularly, a minimum of 3 time a week. Reading books will be changed once a week and will be given their book changing day, based on the day that they read in a small group with an adult. This helps them to build confidence and fluency in their reading.

Outdoor Learning: The children have access to the garden all day, every day - come rain or shine! We have all-in-one outdoor, waterproof suits for the children to wear, however we do ask that you provide a pair of wellington boots to be kept at school. 

Home Learning: Once the children are settled, a phonic activity (new sounds/sentences learnt that week) will be sent home for the children to practise and build up their confidence and fluency. 

Tapestry: Tapestry is used to allow you to see the learning that your child is doing at school. You will also be able to upload pictures and observations from home which can be shared at school. Please ensure Tapestry is checked regularly to ensure you are up-to-date with any key information. 

Class Themes

Autumn Term Themes: All About Me and Transport 

During the Autumn term, we will be able to establish routines, relationships and boundaries with the children. Our All About Me topic allows the children to get to know both the adults and their peers in the class, talking about what makes us special, our families and our local area. We will also have a look at the different seasons during our first term at school. During the second half of the Autumn term we will be looking at different types of transport from around the world, transport from the past and how transport has changed over time. 

Spring Term Themes: Space and Growing and Changing 

During the Spring term, we will be learning all things Space! We will be looking at the Solar System, people who live and travel to Space, the stars and significant people.  We will also be looking at how plants grow, animals and their offspring, how places change over time and how we grow and change over time. 

Summer Term Themes: Kings and Queens and Stories from the Past 

During the Summer term, we will be learning about the Royal Family.  Where the King lives, his Coronation, the Magna Carta and Government. During our final half-term, we will be looking at different stories from the past. We shall look at Ancient Greek Myths, Legends and Fable Tales. We shall become great story tellers. 

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