Safeguarding Advice

Safeguarding Advice

St John’s CofE Primary School understands the vital importance of safeguarding and child protection. The school follows the DEMAT safeguarding and child protection policy.

Safeguarding at St John's

Please see the Policies page to view our current Safeguarding Policy.

We are committed to all children being empowered to excel, regardless of their background or needs. 

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr Steenkamp (Headteacher)

She is supported in the inclusion team by:

Mrs Alison Sheridan (Attendance Lead, Deputy Headteacher & Deputy DSL)

Miss Lauren Steels (SENDCO, PSHE Lead & Deputy DSL)

Miss Georgina Beaney (Office Coordinator & Deputy DSL)


Our governor with responsibility for safeguarding and SEND is:

Mr Martin Townsend


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