Year 6 - Orwell Class

Year 6 - Orwell Class

PE Day: Thursday and Friday(swimming)

Class Teacher:  Mrs Sheridan

Important Information

Times Tables: We will be using Times Tables Rock Stars throughout the week to practise and track our fluency with Times Tables. In Year 6, we aim for children to know their times tables and related facts fluently. 

Home Learning: The children will be assigned a spelling task each week. They are also expected to compete 30 minutes practising their times tables on Times Table Rock Stars. 

Additionally, the Year 5/6 Statutory word list can be found in the documents on this page, these are spellings in which we aim for children to know by the time they finish Year 6. 

Other useful information: 

The Year 6 school uniform is a black jumper with the school logo. This is available to buy from Total Clothing (

Suitable PE kit must be worn: a black t-shirt with the Stanground St John's Logo or a plain black t-shirt, and black shorts/ sports trousers. 

Reading at home daily will help develop and improve pace, fluency and understanding. Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week and then record in their reading record. 

Tapestry: This will continue to be used as a primary means of communication. This needs to be checked on a daily basis to ensure you are up-to-date with key information. This is also your route for sending any messages directly to the class teacher. Evidence of learning will continue to be posted, along with suggestions of ways you could continue to support your child at home. 

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